Employee Access Center (EAC)
Employee Access Center is used by all employees to submit leave requests, view leave banks, view pay stubs and view W-2's. EAC uses your school email address as the login and the password is a password each employee sets for EAC only. The password is not synced from any other systems. If you do not know your password for EAC, you can attempt the "forgot password" process if you have previously setup security questions and answers inside EAC. Otherwise, you must contact Pam McCammon or LeAnn Livingston to get a temporary password set. The technology department does not have access to reset passwords for EAC.
EAC is only accessible from the website if you are on campus or connected to on of the VPN options. VPN instructions are posted on the staff page on the district website. Alternatively, you can use the app on a mobile device to access from anywhere. The app is called "PowerSchool ERP Employee"
The attached file has instructions for Employee Access Center. Also linked on the Employee Documents on the website.